Directivity control

Course information

 ECTS: 2

Common with the master in acoustics

Course code: 

 Lecture: 13h

 Tutorial classes: none

 Practical work: 8h

Course coordinator : Manuel Melon.

External teachers coming from R&D Team.

Course Description


The aim of this course is to know the different acoustic loads that enable the control of the radiation efficiency and directivity pattern of transducers.


Course : Transducers Basics, Acoustics I, Acoustics II A


  • Radiation of simple structures (piston, monopoles, dipoles and quadrupoles, cardioid loudspeaker)
  • Coupling between a loudspeaker system and a room
  • Radiation of loudspeaker arrays, principle of microphone arrays
  • Effects of horns, acoustic lens on loudspeaker radiation
  • Directivity of arrays and horns

Examination duration

2 hours

Examination type

Written examination