Instrumentation refresh

Course information

 ECTS: 1,8

 Independent from the master in Acoustics

 Course code : 

 Lecture: none

 Tutorial classes: none

 Practical work: 21h

Course coordinator : Bertrand Lihoreau, Mohamed Amellal. The courses are given at Université du Maine and at ESEO (Angers).

Course Description


The aim of this course is to upgrade level concerning instrumentation and metrology in acoustics and electronics.


Bachelor level in electrical and mechanical measurement techniques.

Contents :

This course is divided into two parts :

  • Instrumentation and metrology for acoustics and vibrations
    • Work 1: signal analysis
    • Work 2: acoustic system characterization (acoustic waveguide with or without flow)
    • Work 3: electrical system characterization (capacitor measurement, analysis of uncertainties)
  • Instrumentation and metrology for electronics

Examination duration

2 hours

Examination type

Practical work