Loudspeaker Technology

Course information

 ECTS: 1

 Independent from the master in Acoustics

 Course code: 

 Lecture: 12h

 Tutorial classes: none

 Practical work: none

Course coordinator: Sohbi Sahraoui, Bruno Gazengel

External teacher coming from B&W Group.

Course description


The aim of this course is to give the basic knowledge of materials used for building transducers.


Course: Transducers basics, Loudspeaker sytem.


  • General concepts about materials: classification of materials, general mechanical properties of materials, elastic and viscoelastic materials, equations of behaviour, experimental characterization techniques (elongation, flexion, Dynamical Mechanical Analysis).
  • Technologies of materials: materials for membranes, materials for motors, materials for suspension, application of materials in loudspeaker design. Examples of design process and measurement techniques. Link between materials and perceptive aspects.

Examination duration

2 hours

Examination type

Written examination